"Celebrating 35 Years!"
INFANTS: room 111

“My kids aren’t just taken care of — they are truly 'cared' for and the staff know them individually.” KOCO Parent
Infants: room 111
Ages 8 weeks - 1 year
7:00 am – 6:00 pm Standard Program Hours
6:30 am – 7:00 am Early Opening
4:1 ratio of students to teachers (max 8:2)
Individual cribs, including fire cribs
Stimulating room environment
Swings, saucers, rockers, soft climbers
Music, books, toys, tummy time, art, fingerplays, TLC
Individual attention
Curriculum supports Connecticut Early Learning & Development Standards (CT-ELDS)
Infant-Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS) compliant
Outdoor grassy play area right outside
4-seat buggy rides
Parents provide bottles, water, food, diapers, wipes, spare clothes, bedding
Administrators certified in CPR, First Aid and Medication Administration
Weekly visits from Health and Educational Consultants
Birth-to-Three consultations as needed
Quarterly enrichment visitors
Daily notes (phone calls always welcome!)