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Our goal is to provide children with the opportunity and motivation to make choices, function independently, learn social skills with gentle encouraging guidance, respect the needs of others, adapt to routines, and become responsible members of a group.



We strive to focus on positive, observable behaviors, ask children to use words to express their feelings, discuss choices, and look for ways to improve our programs to enable the children to explore their environment. Children may be removed from the group to enable a staff member to have a private discussion with the child; the child may re-enter the group when they are comfortable to do so. Please let the staff know if you have any helpful information regarding your child that will make their day go smoothly.



The Second Step Social-Emotional Curriculum is implemented with Waddlers, Toddlers and Preschoolers at KOCO by Miss Janet. Young children who can listen, pay attention, remember directions, and control their behavior will benefit more from preschool and be better prepared for kindergarten. The Second Step early learning program teaches self-regulation and executive-function skills that help children learn and skills to manage their feelings, make friends, and solve problems.


Older students who can self-regulate are better able to participate in and benefit from classroom instruction. Having empathy prepares students to manage their own strong emotions and solve interpersonal problems with others. Students who practice emotion management by recognizing strong emotions and calming down cope better and are less prone to aggressive behaviors. And when students use problem-solving skills to handle interpersonal conflicts with peers, they are less likely to engage in impulsive or aggressive behaviors.


In short, social-emotional learning promotes students’ school success and connectedness and contributes toward a safe and respectful school climate. It also helps prevent problem behaviors, peer rejection, impulsivity, and low academic achievement. For more information, visit Committee for Children.



KOCO Child Care Center in East Hampton is grateful to have been chosen to receive a “Buddy Bench.” The Buddy Bench was donated thanks to the generosity of the Council of Business Partners Fund at the Community Foundation of Middlesex County (CFMC). The benches are made in partnership with Rushford, a Hartford Healthcare Partner, as part of the Community Foundation’s Campaign for Bully-Free Communities initiative. With funding from the Community Foundation of Middlesex County for community service project work, students at the Rushford Academy, a residential school for at-risk youth, are building wooden benches for donation to elementary schools to be used as Buddy Benches. Buddy Benches are social inclusion tools, providing a conduit for grade school children to “buddy up” with those who may be feeling isolated during recess or other free play activity times. Benches are clearly labeled as such, with strategies for proper use presented to school staff and students prior to installation. The program goal is to donate a Buddy Bench to every grade school in Middlesex County. In 2024, the Buddy Bench was refinished and placed at our front entrance near the Little Free Library and the Little Free Pantry.



For kindergarten, schoolage and TASC students, KOCO follows the Cheetah/Lion/Panther Pride behavior models used in the public schools.



KOCO maintains a strict no tolerance policy regarding bullying and threatening other children or staff. You will be notified immediately if these situations occur. KOCO also reserves the right to remove your child from the program if their physical, emotional, medical, or behavioral needs can no longer be met by our program. Decisions to disenroll are made by the Directors in conjunction with the KOCO Executive Board of Directors. 



While all precautions are taken to provide a safe environment, accidents will occur. If an injury occurs, first aid is administered and you will receive a written report. If an incident that involves your child occurs, you will receive a written report. In the event that an incident or accident is of a more serious nature, we will contact you by telephone.



KOCO reserves the right to disenroll any student or family because of repeated behavior issues that cannot be successfully resolved within a reasonable period of time.



Buddy Bench


Second Step

"My children know that KOCO is a safe place. There are expectations, consequences and rewards. They know that they are cared about."  KOCO Parent

© 2014 KOCO: Kids of Chatham Organization, Inc.  /  Contact KOCO / 860-267-6080

12 Long Crossing Road / East Hampton, CT  06424

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